Milt Stevens, Simi Valley, CA, USA
LASFS is trying to phase out paper copies of De Profundis. This is part of a general effort to balance our budget. However, we are perfectly willing to send PDF copies to anyone who may be interested.
Recent issues have been running between 200K and 250K. Let me know if you are willing to receive the PDF version of De Prof.
Unfortunately, trades for De Prof have been pretty much of a waste. Interest in fanzines around LASFS is just about nil. In fact, I'm the only one who sees the zines that come in as trades, and I already get Challenger. Given the cost of printing Challenger, I'd advise not to continue sending it. I wish there was more interest in fanzines around LASFS, but it just isn't there.
Another clue that technology has rendered fanzines obsolete! In fact, within the next five years I predict that the Fanzine Hugo will morph into a Best Website/Blog Hugo, and we paper hounds will simply fade away. Anyway, by all means sign me up for the PDF De Prof – I can't live without my Cream of Menace.
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