Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Robert Kennedy,Camarillo, CA

I have another child-care workers case for you where innocent people were convicted and sent to prison. It’s Fells Acres in Malden, Massachusetts. It was very similar to the McMartin Preschool case here in California. As I said in a comment in my previous LOC, Joe Major is much better versed on these subjects (child-care, satanic ritual, false memory) than am I. (That comment somehow didn’t make it into print. Perhaps the Bavarian Illuminati have struck me again.) Anyway, maybe Joe could be prevailed upon to write one or more articles on the subject. Joe, heed your public!

Also, the following somehow didn’t make it into print of my previous LOC “That leads me to the Michael Jackson child molestation case. The prosecution’s case appears a bit shaky. Michael Jackson is obviously a first class, number one wacko. But, that doesn’t mean he did it. He also has the best lawyers money can buy. I would not be surprised at a Not Guilty verdict or a hung jury.” If the newspaper’s report of the Mother’s actions during her testimony was accurate, I could just see the prosecution cringing and saying to themselves “we just lost the case.”

How about this? Martha Stewart goes to prison for lying while not under oath. Sandy Burger steals and destroys secret documents and gets a slap on the wrist. Does anyone else see something wrong here?

“End of the World Games” by Jerry Proctor—The reason Y2K did not result in a disaster was that a fortune ($) was spent to see that it was not a disaster.


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