Saturday, July 02, 2005

Somebody ... I don't know who!!! Gawd! How embarrassing ...

Thanks for The Galactic Route covering your trip to Noreascon. A colleague of mine did a brief classification of the constitutional amendments in partial response to the recent trends proposing amendments to ban flag buring and gay marriage. In his opinion exactly one of the amendments restricted liberties (Prohibition) and we know what happened with that one. I think this is a grand and revealing commentary on many in the conservative movement who are pushing for these. The Constitution is designed to protect us and keep our freedoms, not to restrict them.

"Six Ships That Shook the World'' by Roger Archibald in Invention and Technology 13, Number 2, pp 24-36 (1997) is a fascinating article about how the USS Constitution was built and how critical aspects of the design had to be rediscovered during restoration. A brief coverage of this can be found at

Despite the achievement of man I, like you, am continually reminded that nature is fully capable of upstaging us. Your commentary on the USS Constitution followed later by your comments on Niagara make this abundantly clear. This is one of the many reasons I chose to get married in a cave rather than in a man-made structure.

Yes - but who are you??? I can find no record of who sent this excellent LOC!


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